I am Viscountess Ned Carpenter; I serve Count Aerendir McMahon. I am in turn a liege to Dame Xiandria Gwynneville, Squire James Lian, and Dame Stella Costello.
(this comment was reposted after changes were made to the blog)
Viscountess Belle Toll, in service to Duke Dirk Talamasca, no fellows. Subjects Viscountess Ganesha Xi and Peasant Addison Leigh. Ganesha's subjects are Baron Timelord Cardiff and Squiress Osiloa Jorgenson. Timelord has one subject, and Osiloa has two subjects, Rune Crimson and Doctor Gasciogne.
Baroness Maia Dutton in service to Viscountess Aisling Babii of Avalon with no fellows and the following subjects: MaKayla Mathy, CSIQueenie Ireland, & Faith Wunderland
I am Viscountess Ned Carpenter; I serve Count Aerendir McMahon. I am in turn a liege to Dame Xiandria Gwynneville, Squire James Lian, and Dame Stella Costello.
(this comment was reposted after changes were made to the blog)
Hi, I'm Heartun Breaker
My subjects include Lister Ng, Kennethh Yamdev, Ivy Farber, Jen Dix, Aerendir McMahon, and Andy Traveler.
They're a whole lot of fun, and if you can bribe em away... treat them well.
Viscountess Belle Toll, in service to Duke Dirk Talamasca, no fellows. Subjects Viscountess Ganesha Xi and Peasant Addison Leigh. Ganesha's subjects are Baron Timelord Cardiff and Squiress Osiloa Jorgenson. Timelord has one subject, and Osiloa has two subjects, Rune Crimson and Doctor Gasciogne.
Sorry I forgot, Squirrel has got to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WIMIM RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hadn't you noticed????
Keyah Kyomoon.
Baroness Maia Dutton in service to Viscountess Aisling Babii of Avalon with no fellows and the following subjects: MaKayla Mathy, CSIQueenie Ireland, & Faith Wunderland
King PooPoo of Dickland serves no one
My mother was a hamster, and my father smelled of elderberries.
Prince DooDoo under Princess Farts in King PooPoo line
I am Princess Sycamore Aeon, I serve King TeuffelHunde Mandelkorn.
Emperor Ultralite Soleil
-Queen Deana Wrigglesworth
-Prince His Royal Sweet Buns Bratt Lunasea
-Princess The Ubiquitous Bibi Ballinger
-Prince Slap a hud on it Vans Dinzel
-Princess Mein Tailalicious Barbie Chase
-Prince Master Elvin Farrjones
-Princess Lil Miss Swet Tea Babs Loring
-Prince Alvari Decosta
-Princess Toontopialicious Lenora Anthony
-Prince Meine Barbielicious Taila Reyes
-Princess ToOhoTtohaNdle Tara Zsun
-Prince Lord of Destiny Stephen Hadisson
-Princess Blonde Bombshell EbonyJay Daines
-Prince(?) The Nine Lives of Cats Cooperstone
-Duchess On the Good Ship lollypop Quan
-Duchess Redmars Landar
-Marquise Smokin' Hawt Nightlite Seerose
-Countess Mona Reyes
-Baron Hezekiah Hepzipig
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